Apel do Polonii w USA o wysyłanie listów do kongresmenów w/s powstrzymania antypolskiej ustawy 1226

Amerykańska Polonia prowadzi akcję wysyłania maili kongresmenom The House Foreign Affair Committee którzy mają głosować w sprawie ustawy 1226 mającej ułatwić dochodzenie przez organizacje żydowskie odszkodowań od Polski za majątek, który Żydzi stracili w wyniku działań Niemiec w czasie II Wojny Światowej. Majątek miałby być zwracany nie prawowitym spadkobiercom, co w ramach będącej obecnie w opracowaniu polskiej ustawy reprywatyzacyjnej jest absolutnie naturalne, ale na zasadzie tak zwanego "prawa krwi" czyli mówiąc kolokwialnie "my jesteśmy żydowskimi organizacjami więc należy nam się majątek Żydów, którzy zmarli bezpotomnie". Według polskiego prawa, które nie jest w tym zakresie żadnym ewenementem, majątek zmarłych bezpotomnie przechodzi na rzecz skarbu państwa. Ewentualnie uchwalony projekt ustawy 1226 mógłby kosztować Polskę dziesiątki miliardów dolarów, co jest niedopuszczalne tym bardziej, że koszmarowi II Wojny Światowej winne są Niemcy, a nie Polska, która jest jedną z ofiar niemieckiego nazizmu.
 Apel do Polonii w USA o wysyłanie listów do kongresmenów w/s powstrzymania antypolskiej ustawy 1226
/ Wikipedia domena publiczna
Przedstawiciele Polonii rozsyłają korespondencję następującej treści:

Ustawa ta jest precedensem w skali nowożytnego świata gdzie dziedziczyć miałaby nie rodzina, ale plemiennie powiązane z Żydami, samozwańcze organizacje, które Norman Finkelstein (syn żydów z getta warszawskiego) określił już dawno mianem "Przesiębiorstwo Holocaust".

Ustawa ta sprawi ,że żydzi przejmą gros polskiego majątku i Polska już nigdy się nie poniesie ekonomicznie. Polacy staną się obywatelami drugiej kategorii we własnym kraju. Polska nie dostała nic ani od Niemców ani od Rosji za zniszczenia wojenne i śmierć Polaków.


Dziś Polska, jako największa ofiara II wojny światowej, gdyż zginął co piąty jej obywatel, Polska ma wypłacać odszkodowania Żydom, których właśnie Polacy ratowali od zagłady.

To chyba największy  paradoks niewdzięczności XX i XXI wieku.

Środowiska żydowskie wywierają presję na USA, by poparto ich w tych bezpodstawnych roszczeniach. Polski rząd nabrał wody w usta, więc całą walkę toczą pojedyńczy obywatele i polskie organizacje na terenie USA.


W samych Polakach  nadzieja.




Koperty adresować:


Rep  ...................................     (np. Ed Royce)


The House Foreign Affair Committee


2170 Rayburn House Office Building


Washington, DC 20515






Na 1000 mieszkańców  podczas II wojny światowej zginęło:
w Polsce      - 220


w ZSRR        -  114
Jugosławia  - 108
Francja            - 15
Stany Zjedn.  – 3
Anglia                - 8
Czechosłow. – 25
Holandia          - 22
Belgia                - 14




Niemcy z Austrią  - 56


Włochy             - 25


Rumunia  - 44
Węgry  - 53






Ponizej list do Foreign Relations Committee


Dear Rep  . …………              Member of the Foreign Relations Committee




Please stop Bill H.R. 1226! Do not forward this anti-Polish legislation to the House of Representatives for further consideration! Poland, the strongest ally of the United States in continental Europe, is the primary target of this morally insincere and legally erroneous bill. As a country with the largest pre-war population of Jews, Poland is targeted through this bill for “heirless property” restitution payments for billions of dollars by Jewish organizations.


I urge you to vote against Bill H.R.1226 for the following reasons:


1.        In WWII Poland suffered proportionally the greatest human and material losses but was never compensated for these losses.


2.        Over the years, Poland has resorted to various means to resolve private and communal property claims, including the return of properties to their rightful owners and monetary compensation.


3.        According to the 1960 treaty between the government of the U.S. and Poland regarding claims of nationals of the United States, Poland compensated American nationals whose assets had been nationalized or wrongfully seized and the United States provided indemnity to Poland against any further property claims. Therefore, Bill H.R. 1226 violates the terms of the 1960 bilateral treaty.


4.        Poland returned Jewish communal property pursuant to the 1997 law on the relationship between the Polish State and Jewish religious organizations. Over 2,500 communal properties, including synagogues, cemeteries and cultural centers, have been either compensated for or returned.


5.        All Jewish Holocaust survivors of Polish origin are eligible to receive monthly pension from the Polish Government according to the law on war veterans and victims of war and post-war oppression.  Thus, Holocaust survivors who were Polish citizens during WWII have been receiving financial assistance from the Polish Government regardless of their current place of residence.  So, the claim for heirless property compensation in order to assist Holocaust survivors is duplicative with respect to Poland.


6.        Restitution for heirless property is against the law of the United States, Western legal tradition and the Polish law. In all Western countries, the US included, heirless property escheats to the state.


7.        According to the Congressional Authority Statement, Bill H.R. 1226 is authorized pursuant to the Commerce Clause of Article 1 Section 8 Clause 3 of the Constitution of the United States. The Commerce Clause has nothing to do with this bill, which is based on legally non-binding Terezin Declaration concerned with the wellbeing of Holocaust survivors.


I urge you to reject Bill H.R. 1226 on moral grounds for the following reasons:


1.        With respect to heirless property claims, Bill H.R. 1226 has no basis in law. Therefore it relies on moral justification exclusively.


2.        Jewish organizations, Holocaust institutions and scholars have been engaged for years in discrimination of Polish victims and distortion of Holocaust history by diminishing the suffering of Polish victims in WWII, disregarding Polish witnesses to history, marginalizing and suppressing the voice of Polish victims, eliminating ethnic Poles from the definition of Holocaust victims, and sidelining German genocide of ethnic Poles in education of Holocaust.


3.        There is no single museum across the USA commemorating millions of Polish victims of the German WWII genocide while there were 75 Holocaust museums worldwide as of 2011.


4.        Holocaust scholars and educators have been overemphasizing and widely promoting questionable research and biased education about the Polish co-responsibility for the Holocaust of the Jews, while effectively suppressing the research and education about the Jewish collaboration in killing Jews and Jewish killings of ethnic Poles.


5.        Leading Holocaust scholars and educators have never publicly objected or unequivocally condemned the spread of the major Holocaust falsehoods such as “Polish concentration camps” or “Polish death camps.” Such inactions on their part constitute Holocaust distortion in its pure form and amount to Holocaust denial in accordance with paragraph 5 of the definition of Holocaust denial adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.


6.        The use of the term “Polish concentration camp” represents cruel and inhumane treatment of millions of Polish people, whose relatives were brutally murdered by the German occupying forces in the concentration and death camps set up and operated by the German Third Reich.


7.        Instead of supporting efforts of the Polish people to stop the spread of the horrific Holocaust lie about Polish responsibility for German concentration camps, leading Holocaust authorities engage in brutal smear campaign against Poland by accusing the Polish people, in front of the entire world, of Polish co-responsibility for German crimes committed on the Jews.


8.        In order to showcase a moral justification for heirless property claims against Poland, a worldwide smear and disinformation campaign has just been launched under the pretense of opposition to the amendment to anti-defamation bill passed by the Polish Parliament.


9.        On January 27, 2018, one of the leading Israeli politicians Yair Lapid announced: “these were Polish death camps and no law will change it.” This terrible Holocaust lie did not warrant the condemnation by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.


10.     Instead, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum expressed “deep concern” over the adopted legislation, falsely interpreting the law in order to accuse Poland of making it illegal “to reference the complicity of some Poles for crimes against the Jews committed during the Nazi occupation.”  Those who resort to such unfair methods have no right to refer to moral justice.


11.     According to the Israeli War Crimes Commission less than 0.1% of Poles (frequently Polish Germans) collaborated with Nazi Germany. 99.9% of the Polish people DID NOT!


12.     Bill H.R. 1226 is morally offensive because it treats the Polish State and the Polish Nation as perpetrators of the German crimes committed on the Jews rather than the victim of German WWII atrocities. Poland suffered the most of all countries during WWII. Ethnic Poles and ethnic Jews experienced physical destruction like no one else. Through Bill H.R. 1226 one victim frames the other victim as the perpetrator in order to extort compensation in blatant disregard of the historical truth.  That is not moral and that is not just.


I strongly urge you to vote against this legally flawed and immorally insincere Bill H.R. 1226 that causes pain and suffering to people of Polish descent all over the world and aggravates their genocidal trauma.




data .......                                                                                                      Sincerely yours,








Prosze wysyłać listy i e-maile do wlasnych kongresmenow !!!!!!!




Sample letter to US Congress & Senate regarding Bill# 1226 & 447


Dear Congressman..... (Dear Senator...)
I (We - Polish American Congress)......your name) representing the interests of Americans of Polish heritage who are convinced that their ancestral country, Poland, as a key NATO ally, protects United States national security interests in Central and Eastern Europe and promotes the values of freedom and limited government in that dangerous part of the world.
Res. 447, known as the JUST ACT OF 2017, includes Poland among countries, which were Axis allies during World War II, such as Romania and Hungary. A parallel resolution H.R. 1226 is under consideration by your committee. It also appears to ignore, or evade, moral and historical principles of high importance, with the result that H.R. conflates victims with villains.
Poland’s unique circumstances, as a victim nation of German and Soviet aggression in September 1939, which started World War II by virtue of the mutually-planned and executed Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, need to be recognized by Congress in these matters. The language of HR 1226 proposes that claims (under Terezin Declaration definitions) could be made against today’s Polish State for crimes today’s Poles did not commit. Stunningly, this completely ignores that the monstrous crimes perpetrated on Polish territory by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were followed by massive property transfers carried out directly by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
Indeed, Poland’s history from 1795 to 1918 found her wiped from the map of Europe by way of the infamous three Partitions of 1772, 1793, and 1795 that had been engineered by her contiguous imperial neighbors, Russia, Austria, and Prussia (the latter nation being an integral progenitor of Nazi Germany).
Moreover, the issue of wartime compensation to be paid to Poland as a victim (as identified by the International Military Tribunal – Nuremberg Proceedings) is entirely unresolved. These two factors make Poland’s case unique, and materially different from other East Central European countries, like Hungary and Romania, both having been loyal allies of Nazi Germany.
Today, claims for private property compensation in Poland are decided case by case.. This fact alone should give pause to anyone considering imposing on today’s Poland a one-size-fits-all general law on compensation for private property despoiled by Nazi Germany and then nationalized by the communists.
Poland already has compensated all United States citizens who owned private property in Poland before September 1, 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded our kin country. This was done in compliance with the 1960 Bilateral Treaty signed by Poland and the United States. Moreover, in Poland, all claims submitted for compensation by children and grand children (as real persons) of people who lost property have been adjudicated and have been paid.
Clearly, the purpose of H.R.1226 appears to be the extension of this to other entities or persons as well, an approach that suggests it being an unreasonable and arbitrary overreach by the United States Congress.
The House version of the JUST Act of 2017, H.R. 1226, unjustly conflates the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II with countries that were Axis allies. By contrast, in North Africa, and in Western Europe, and in occupied Poland, from start to finish in World War II, Polish armed forces fought Nazi Germany as a full state ally of our own United States of America.
There was no collaborationist Nazi German satellite state on Polish territory.
The claimants’ bill for their despoiled and nationalized private property on conquered Polish territory during the World War II era should be presented not to the victim nation — Poland — but to the perpetrators, Germany and the Russian Federation, the latter as successor of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Informed readers recall that the Soviet Union, as an ally of Nazi Germany, invaded Poland on September 17, 1939, two weeks following Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland. Both invasions were not accidental, but rather, mutually orchestrated aspects of the infamous Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact.
It is unjust to lay the groundwork, political or otherwise, to require today’s Polish society to pay extravagant sums to legacy organizations related to victims of loss of private property or that despoiled by Nazi Germany and then nationalized by a regime indisputably established by Soviet communists.
This amounts to a perverse collective punishment of today’s Poles for crimes of private property expropriation perpetrated by Nazi Germany and the communists on conquered Polish territory. Again, Poland has already undertaken a good faith effort, under strict rule of law, to address these matters.
Clearly, further investigation of facts, or hearings, should occur before action is taken. This is why I encourage you to ask the members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee not to apply H.R.1226 to Poland.
The ..organization name.....(POLISH AMERICAN CONGRESS), which represents Polish American organizations and communities, wants the House Foreign Affairs Committee thoughtfully to address our concern that our ancestral country Poland receives just and equitable treatment from the United States Government. Our sincere wish is to prevent this issue from becoming one that Polish Americans would come to feel has to be redressed at the ‘ballot box’. Those who vote for the application of the JUST ACT OF 2017 to Poland, which is most UNJUST to our ancestral country, run that risk.


Your gracious consideration, and hopefully, support, will be appreciated greatly by our nation’s Polish American Community.
Sincerely yours,


(Your name)

Listy mają być wysyłane pod następujące adresy czlonków The House Foreign Affair Committee którzy mają zagłosować w sprawie ustawy 1226.

Rep. Ed Royce

Rep. Eliot Engel

Rep. Christopher Smith

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

Rep. Steve Chabot

Rep. Joe Wilson

Rep. Michael McCaul

Rep. Ted Poe

Rep. Darrell Issa

Rep. Tom Marino

Rep. Mo Brooks

Rep. Paul Cook

Rep. Scott Perry

Rep. Ron DeSantis

Rep. Mark Meadows

Rep. Ted Yoho

Rep. Adam Kinzinger


Rep. Lee Zeldin


Rep. Daniel Donovan


Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner


Rep. Ann Wagner


Rep. Brian Mast


Rep. Francis Rooney


Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick


Rep. Tom Garrett


Rep. John Curtis

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Apel do Polonii w USA o wysyłanie listów do kongresmenów w/s powstrzymania antypolskiej ustawy 1226

Amerykańska Polonia prowadzi akcję wysyłania maili kongresmenom The House Foreign Affair Committee którzy mają głosować w sprawie ustawy 1226 mającej ułatwić dochodzenie przez organizacje żydowskie odszkodowań od Polski za majątek, który Żydzi stracili w wyniku działań Niemiec w czasie II Wojny Światowej. Majątek miałby być zwracany nie prawowitym spadkobiercom, co w ramach będącej obecnie w opracowaniu polskiej ustawy reprywatyzacyjnej jest absolutnie naturalne, ale na zasadzie tak zwanego "prawa krwi" czyli mówiąc kolokwialnie "my jesteśmy żydowskimi organizacjami więc należy nam się majątek Żydów, którzy zmarli bezpotomnie". Według polskiego prawa, które nie jest w tym zakresie żadnym ewenementem, majątek zmarłych bezpotomnie przechodzi na rzecz skarbu państwa. Ewentualnie uchwalony projekt ustawy 1226 mógłby kosztować Polskę dziesiątki miliardów dolarów, co jest niedopuszczalne tym bardziej, że koszmarowi II Wojny Światowej winne są Niemcy, a nie Polska, która jest jedną z ofiar niemieckiego nazizmu.
 Apel do Polonii w USA o wysyłanie listów do kongresmenów w/s powstrzymania antypolskiej ustawy 1226
/ Wikipedia domena publiczna
Przedstawiciele Polonii rozsyłają korespondencję następującej treści:

Ustawa ta jest precedensem w skali nowożytnego świata gdzie dziedziczyć miałaby nie rodzina, ale plemiennie powiązane z Żydami, samozwańcze organizacje, które Norman Finkelstein (syn żydów z getta warszawskiego) określił już dawno mianem "Przesiębiorstwo Holocaust".

Ustawa ta sprawi ,że żydzi przejmą gros polskiego majątku i Polska już nigdy się nie poniesie ekonomicznie. Polacy staną się obywatelami drugiej kategorii we własnym kraju. Polska nie dostała nic ani od Niemców ani od Rosji za zniszczenia wojenne i śmierć Polaków.


Dziś Polska, jako największa ofiara II wojny światowej, gdyż zginął co piąty jej obywatel, Polska ma wypłacać odszkodowania Żydom, których właśnie Polacy ratowali od zagłady.

To chyba największy  paradoks niewdzięczności XX i XXI wieku.

Środowiska żydowskie wywierają presję na USA, by poparto ich w tych bezpodstawnych roszczeniach. Polski rząd nabrał wody w usta, więc całą walkę toczą pojedyńczy obywatele i polskie organizacje na terenie USA.


W samych Polakach  nadzieja.




Koperty adresować:


Rep  ...................................     (np. Ed Royce)


The House Foreign Affair Committee


2170 Rayburn House Office Building


Washington, DC 20515






Na 1000 mieszkańców  podczas II wojny światowej zginęło:
w Polsce      - 220


w ZSRR        -  114
Jugosławia  - 108
Francja            - 15
Stany Zjedn.  – 3
Anglia                - 8
Czechosłow. – 25
Holandia          - 22
Belgia                - 14




Niemcy z Austrią  - 56


Włochy             - 25


Rumunia  - 44
Węgry  - 53






Ponizej list do Foreign Relations Committee


Dear Rep  . …………              Member of the Foreign Relations Committee




Please stop Bill H.R. 1226! Do not forward this anti-Polish legislation to the House of Representatives for further consideration! Poland, the strongest ally of the United States in continental Europe, is the primary target of this morally insincere and legally erroneous bill. As a country with the largest pre-war population of Jews, Poland is targeted through this bill for “heirless property” restitution payments for billions of dollars by Jewish organizations.


I urge you to vote against Bill H.R.1226 for the following reasons:


1.        In WWII Poland suffered proportionally the greatest human and material losses but was never compensated for these losses.


2.        Over the years, Poland has resorted to various means to resolve private and communal property claims, including the return of properties to their rightful owners and monetary compensation.


3.        According to the 1960 treaty between the government of the U.S. and Poland regarding claims of nationals of the United States, Poland compensated American nationals whose assets had been nationalized or wrongfully seized and the United States provided indemnity to Poland against any further property claims. Therefore, Bill H.R. 1226 violates the terms of the 1960 bilateral treaty.


4.        Poland returned Jewish communal property pursuant to the 1997 law on the relationship between the Polish State and Jewish religious organizations. Over 2,500 communal properties, including synagogues, cemeteries and cultural centers, have been either compensated for or returned.


5.        All Jewish Holocaust survivors of Polish origin are eligible to receive monthly pension from the Polish Government according to the law on war veterans and victims of war and post-war oppression.  Thus, Holocaust survivors who were Polish citizens during WWII have been receiving financial assistance from the Polish Government regardless of their current place of residence.  So, the claim for heirless property compensation in order to assist Holocaust survivors is duplicative with respect to Poland.


6.        Restitution for heirless property is against the law of the United States, Western legal tradition and the Polish law. In all Western countries, the US included, heirless property escheats to the state.


7.        According to the Congressional Authority Statement, Bill H.R. 1226 is authorized pursuant to the Commerce Clause of Article 1 Section 8 Clause 3 of the Constitution of the United States. The Commerce Clause has nothing to do with this bill, which is based on legally non-binding Terezin Declaration concerned with the wellbeing of Holocaust survivors.


I urge you to reject Bill H.R. 1226 on moral grounds for the following reasons:


1.        With respect to heirless property claims, Bill H.R. 1226 has no basis in law. Therefore it relies on moral justification exclusively.


2.        Jewish organizations, Holocaust institutions and scholars have been engaged for years in discrimination of Polish victims and distortion of Holocaust history by diminishing the suffering of Polish victims in WWII, disregarding Polish witnesses to history, marginalizing and suppressing the voice of Polish victims, eliminating ethnic Poles from the definition of Holocaust victims, and sidelining German genocide of ethnic Poles in education of Holocaust.


3.        There is no single museum across the USA commemorating millions of Polish victims of the German WWII genocide while there were 75 Holocaust museums worldwide as of 2011.


4.        Holocaust scholars and educators have been overemphasizing and widely promoting questionable research and biased education about the Polish co-responsibility for the Holocaust of the Jews, while effectively suppressing the research and education about the Jewish collaboration in killing Jews and Jewish killings of ethnic Poles.


5.        Leading Holocaust scholars and educators have never publicly objected or unequivocally condemned the spread of the major Holocaust falsehoods such as “Polish concentration camps” or “Polish death camps.” Such inactions on their part constitute Holocaust distortion in its pure form and amount to Holocaust denial in accordance with paragraph 5 of the definition of Holocaust denial adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.


6.        The use of the term “Polish concentration camp” represents cruel and inhumane treatment of millions of Polish people, whose relatives were brutally murdered by the German occupying forces in the concentration and death camps set up and operated by the German Third Reich.


7.        Instead of supporting efforts of the Polish people to stop the spread of the horrific Holocaust lie about Polish responsibility for German concentration camps, leading Holocaust authorities engage in brutal smear campaign against Poland by accusing the Polish people, in front of the entire world, of Polish co-responsibility for German crimes committed on the Jews.


8.        In order to showcase a moral justification for heirless property claims against Poland, a worldwide smear and disinformation campaign has just been launched under the pretense of opposition to the amendment to anti-defamation bill passed by the Polish Parliament.


9.        On January 27, 2018, one of the leading Israeli politicians Yair Lapid announced: “these were Polish death camps and no law will change it.” This terrible Holocaust lie did not warrant the condemnation by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.


10.     Instead, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum expressed “deep concern” over the adopted legislation, falsely interpreting the law in order to accuse Poland of making it illegal “to reference the complicity of some Poles for crimes against the Jews committed during the Nazi occupation.”  Those who resort to such unfair methods have no right to refer to moral justice.


11.     According to the Israeli War Crimes Commission less than 0.1% of Poles (frequently Polish Germans) collaborated with Nazi Germany. 99.9% of the Polish people DID NOT!


12.     Bill H.R. 1226 is morally offensive because it treats the Polish State and the Polish Nation as perpetrators of the German crimes committed on the Jews rather than the victim of German WWII atrocities. Poland suffered the most of all countries during WWII. Ethnic Poles and ethnic Jews experienced physical destruction like no one else. Through Bill H.R. 1226 one victim frames the other victim as the perpetrator in order to extort compensation in blatant disregard of the historical truth.  That is not moral and that is not just.


I strongly urge you to vote against this legally flawed and immorally insincere Bill H.R. 1226 that causes pain and suffering to people of Polish descent all over the world and aggravates their genocidal trauma.




data .......                                                                                                      Sincerely yours,








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Sample letter to US Congress & Senate regarding Bill# 1226 & 447


Dear Congressman..... (Dear Senator...)
I (We - Polish American Congress)......your name) representing the interests of Americans of Polish heritage who are convinced that their ancestral country, Poland, as a key NATO ally, protects United States national security interests in Central and Eastern Europe and promotes the values of freedom and limited government in that dangerous part of the world.
Res. 447, known as the JUST ACT OF 2017, includes Poland among countries, which were Axis allies during World War II, such as Romania and Hungary. A parallel resolution H.R. 1226 is under consideration by your committee. It also appears to ignore, or evade, moral and historical principles of high importance, with the result that H.R. conflates victims with villains.
Poland’s unique circumstances, as a victim nation of German and Soviet aggression in September 1939, which started World War II by virtue of the mutually-planned and executed Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, need to be recognized by Congress in these matters. The language of HR 1226 proposes that claims (under Terezin Declaration definitions) could be made against today’s Polish State for crimes today’s Poles did not commit. Stunningly, this completely ignores that the monstrous crimes perpetrated on Polish territory by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were followed by massive property transfers carried out directly by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
Indeed, Poland’s history from 1795 to 1918 found her wiped from the map of Europe by way of the infamous three Partitions of 1772, 1793, and 1795 that had been engineered by her contiguous imperial neighbors, Russia, Austria, and Prussia (the latter nation being an integral progenitor of Nazi Germany).
Moreover, the issue of wartime compensation to be paid to Poland as a victim (as identified by the International Military Tribunal – Nuremberg Proceedings) is entirely unresolved. These two factors make Poland’s case unique, and materially different from other East Central European countries, like Hungary and Romania, both having been loyal allies of Nazi Germany.
Today, claims for private property compensation in Poland are decided case by case.. This fact alone should give pause to anyone considering imposing on today’s Poland a one-size-fits-all general law on compensation for private property despoiled by Nazi Germany and then nationalized by the communists.
Poland already has compensated all United States citizens who owned private property in Poland before September 1, 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded our kin country. This was done in compliance with the 1960 Bilateral Treaty signed by Poland and the United States. Moreover, in Poland, all claims submitted for compensation by children and grand children (as real persons) of people who lost property have been adjudicated and have been paid.
Clearly, the purpose of H.R.1226 appears to be the extension of this to other entities or persons as well, an approach that suggests it being an unreasonable and arbitrary overreach by the United States Congress.
The House version of the JUST Act of 2017, H.R. 1226, unjustly conflates the role of Poland and the Poles in World War II with countries that were Axis allies. By contrast, in North Africa, and in Western Europe, and in occupied Poland, from start to finish in World War II, Polish armed forces fought Nazi Germany as a full state ally of our own United States of America.
There was no collaborationist Nazi German satellite state on Polish territory.
The claimants’ bill for their despoiled and nationalized private property on conquered Polish territory during the World War II era should be presented not to the victim nation — Poland — but to the perpetrators, Germany and the Russian Federation, the latter as successor of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Informed readers recall that the Soviet Union, as an ally of Nazi Germany, invaded Poland on September 17, 1939, two weeks following Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland. Both invasions were not accidental, but rather, mutually orchestrated aspects of the infamous Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact.
It is unjust to lay the groundwork, political or otherwise, to require today’s Polish society to pay extravagant sums to legacy organizations related to victims of loss of private property or that despoiled by Nazi Germany and then nationalized by a regime indisputably established by Soviet communists.
This amounts to a perverse collective punishment of today’s Poles for crimes of private property expropriation perpetrated by Nazi Germany and the communists on conquered Polish territory. Again, Poland has already undertaken a good faith effort, under strict rule of law, to address these matters.
Clearly, further investigation of facts, or hearings, should occur before action is taken. This is why I encourage you to ask the members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee not to apply H.R.1226 to Poland.
The ..organization name.....(POLISH AMERICAN CONGRESS), which represents Polish American organizations and communities, wants the House Foreign Affairs Committee thoughtfully to address our concern that our ancestral country Poland receives just and equitable treatment from the United States Government. Our sincere wish is to prevent this issue from becoming one that Polish Americans would come to feel has to be redressed at the ‘ballot box’. Those who vote for the application of the JUST ACT OF 2017 to Poland, which is most UNJUST to our ancestral country, run that risk.


Your gracious consideration, and hopefully, support, will be appreciated greatly by our nation’s Polish American Community.
Sincerely yours,


(Your name)

Listy mają być wysyłane pod następujące adresy czlonków The House Foreign Affair Committee którzy mają zagłosować w sprawie ustawy 1226.

Rep. Ed Royce

Rep. Eliot Engel

Rep. Christopher Smith

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

Rep. Steve Chabot

Rep. Joe Wilson

Rep. Michael McCaul

Rep. Ted Poe

Rep. Darrell Issa

Rep. Tom Marino

Rep. Mo Brooks

Rep. Paul Cook

Rep. Scott Perry

Rep. Ron DeSantis

Rep. Mark Meadows

Rep. Ted Yoho

Rep. Adam Kinzinger


Rep. Lee Zeldin


Rep. Daniel Donovan


Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner


Rep. Ann Wagner


Rep. Brian Mast


Rep. Francis Rooney


Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick


Rep. Tom Garrett


Rep. John Curtis

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